Top Ten Reasons to Leave Joseph Smith and Come to Jesus

Reason #10

Because the Bible is reliable, contrary to the claims of Joseph Smith, and is supported by the archeological and manuscript evidence. There is no evidence that many plain and precious things were removed from the Bible as the Book of Mormon claims. The Dead Sea Scrolls absolutely refute such a claim.

Reason #9

Because no gold plates were used in the creation of Book of Mormon, according to the testimonies of Emma Smith, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris, Isaac Hale and Michael Morse. They all agree that Joseph did not translate the Book of Mormon from gold plates through the Urim and Thummim by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rather, he looked at a peep stone placed in the bottom of his hat. Therefore the Book of Mormon is not a translation; instead, it was apparently created by an occult practice called spirit writing or automatic writing.

Reason #8

Because the leaders of the RLDS/CoC church do not believe that the Joseph Smith “story” is “authoritative,” that is, supported by evidence. See the May 1996 issue of the Saints Herald. In this case they are correct, but they continue to promote it as the foundational event for the genesis of their church. The apostle Paul states that if you do not receive the love of the truth God will send you a strong delusion. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11)

Reason #7

Because each of the Three Standard Books have been substantially altered, by Joseph Smith and others. Thousands of words have been added, changed or subtracted from the originals, which were supposed to be of divine origin. Scripture that is truly the word of God does not have to be altered.

Reason #6

Because there is no credible evidence to support the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon. Archaeological evidence, the manuscript evidence and the genetic evidence does not support the Book of Mormon at all. No person, place or thing mentioned in the Book of Mormon has been found by archaeology. No sample of the Reformed Egyptian language has been found anywhere. The genetic material of American Indians has been found to be Mongoloid (Asian) and not Semitic. Book of Mormon geography has never been identified.

Reason #5

Because Joseph Smith’s priesthood system is not in the Bible. Careful study of the Bible reveals that Joseph Smith’s priesthood system is contradicted at every point. For example, High Priests in the Bible are Aaronic. The Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood, whose major function was to perform animal sacrifice, was done away by the atonement of Jesus. No one but Jesus and Melchizedek (ed. note: RLDS/CoC church uses Melchisedec), the king of Salem, were identified as Melchizedek Priests. All believers are part of the royal priesthood of the believer.

Reason #4

Because Joseph’s own accounts of his first vision are contradictory. A witness who gives inconsistent testimony impeaches his own credibility. Joseph repeatedly contradicts himself in over five versions of that experience including why he went to pray, what happened before the vision, how many personages appeared, who appeared and what the personage(s) said.

Reason #3

Because the Bible requires all Christians to submit to authority including religious authority. If you are a Christian in the RLDS/CoC and don’t accept the equality of all religions, if you don’t accept permissive abortion, if you don’t accept the ordination of homosexuals or if you don’t accept that Jesus is a mere example and not the God of the Universe, then you are in rebellion against the church leadership. If you do support any or all of these positions, you are in rebellion against God. A sincere follower of Christ can not stay under leadership with whom he or she has a substantial disagreement. The Bible requires obedience to those who sit in Moses’ seat (Matthew 23).

Reason #2

Because, by requiring things in addition to the atonement of Jesus on the cross for our sins, the RLDS/CoC denies the sufficiency of Christ’s finished work for our salvation. It is only belief in the grace of Jesus Christ that saves. Not works, not baptism, not church membership, not church ordinances, not Joseph Smith, not the Book of Mormon, not the priesthood. It is only Jesus.

Reason #1

Because Joseph Smith stands between you and Jesus. New life in Jesus is real but you cannot find it and live it until you let go of your dead works. You cannot receive Jesus if you are still clasping onto the lifeless, truthless “story” that Joseph created to justify his new church. The clenched fist cannot receive the gift of grace. Joseph will take your life, your energy, your resources, and in the end leave you empty and alone, but Jesus loved you enough to die for you. He will never leave you and never forsake you.

Is Your House on Fire?

You may ask, “Why do you have to be so negative about Joseph Smith? After all, don’t all churches’ founders have flaws?” These are some of the questions we have been asked by RLDS/CoC members who can’t understand why we should care about the theological and historical problems of their organization.

What if your house was on fire and your life was in danger? What if we were standing in front of your house. yelling, “FIRE!” The news of the fire would certainly be unpleasant, but would you respond by saying we were being too negative? Would you say we were “cutting down” your house? Or would you say, “It’s only a little fire, leave it alone. It’s no big deal. No house is perfect.”

You may think this analogy is ridiculous. Of course, you recognize that fire is a real danger that requires an immediate response in order for you to survive. Well, LifeLine Ministries to RLDS is here because the house of your eternal soul is on fire. We are standing in front of you yelling “FIRE!” because we love you and your eternal soul is at risk.

Do not let the fire, which is Joseph Smith’s false gospel concerning salvation, destroy your soul. His false teachings continue to be perpetrated by the RLDS/CoC so to save yourself and your family, you must get out of the house.